Most Impressive
Amazing job, I've been hoping someone would do a good game world crossover flash for some time and you've exceeded my expectations for that, hgope to see a lot m,ore form you in the future as this was VERY well put together.
Most Impressive
Amazing job, I've been hoping someone would do a good game world crossover flash for some time and you've exceeded my expectations for that, hgope to see a lot m,ore form you in the future as this was VERY well put together.
not too shabby
You've got style, and it shows. My only minor complaint would be to try to get better voice samples but beyond that very awesome work.
Great stuff again
Wow, great humor had me laughing nonstop, great work again Mel ^_^
Nice flash Series
Good humoir throught all of them, this one in particular too. Giid everything for that matter XD
anyway the vote: Terra
Ok thanks. Im glad you liked it.
Awesome work
Short but hilarious even if it is inspired by another flash series, you've easily gotten better sound then your first flash so I am sure thats only going to continue to get better, keep at it, you've got some really good flash talent!
Absolutely fantastic beyond description
I mean seriously, wow. And I thought the first one was good but the quality of work in this really shines beyond ANYTHING else here at Newgrounds this REALLY IS the best thing on newgrounds at the moment. The only reason you wouldn't like this flash is if you're too worried about your sexual identity to like something cute. Beyond that really, this flash is just that damn good. I HIGHLY reccomend this flash, it is just too well animated, coreographes, and hilarious.
Hot diggity DAMN
Hilarious new addition to the AYB fandom. I've not laughed this long, this hard, for an All Your Base thing since the original. Massive congrats on "great hilarity" - highly reccomended to AYB fans or anyone who can appreciate a good parody. Not reccomended for people with personal issues against AYB or who have trouble enjoying comedy.
All my 5 are belong to you
Excellent work, the length was just perfect (not too short, not too long), the interactivity much like from the last one is excellent; and as always it was hilarious. Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot laser! ^_^
Shortness, but great improvements
I love the interactiveness you added to unlock a scene, also the sprites and animations are SO much more cleaner on this one than the last ones, it is shorter yes, however it's better to see them more often and shorter than not as much but gargantuan. I'd like to see more small ones like this at a faster interval sort of like Secret of Mana Theatre does it - as while I always liked the humor in CT Unglued better the larger vault and faster updates keep it more often watched. Anyway best of luck with recuperating from the loss and I look forward greatly to Unglued 5
Much obliged ^_^
Must see for Back to the future fans
VERY well done, a tad on the long side but its very freaking awesome, and really deserving to be seen. Music selection and graphics are at the top notch, next time though it'd be neat to hear some voice acting here and there. Otherwise I got no real suggestions on how to make this better, as its REALLY good.
Just a crazy anime and video games nut who likes a good flash. I've helped with voice work in the Chrono Trigger Unglued series as well as helped find songs, sprites, ect - but I'm not a flash animator myself yet (May or may not be in the future)
Age 43, Male
Technical Support
Highland, UT
Joined on 6/11/03